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Friday and Saturday

Friday I did a little over 2 1/2 hours on my recumbent out Coyote Creek trail to Blossom Hill road and back, at a brisk tempo pace. I noticed I was getting cranky because my heart rate wasn’t quite up to what it was supposed to be. So I put my monitor in my pocket and enjoyed the rest of the ride more. Tech is great as long as it doesn’t distract you from enjoying the activity while it’s happening. I think I’ll try keeping it in my pocket in the future. I can get as nerdy as I want with the data later after the ride is over.

On Saturday I did a little over an hour on local dirt with my upright. It was fun using higher electric-assist on the roads to zoom faster, then using less assist while standing or on dirt.

Friday’s ride is posted on Strava here, Saturday here.

On Friday’s ride I saw that our Organic grass trimmers are back

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