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Made it Through a Rainy Spell

We’ve had Considerable rain this week, which is great because it gets us back on schedule for rainfall this season. But it hasn’t been as great for riding. Tuesday was forecast to be scattered showers in the morning so I went for a ride and it turned out to be pretty much steady rain. I persisted anyway, remembering the motto my brother taught me “if you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough”. Fortunately I had pretty good rain gear so didn’t get too wet. Less fortunately, I got a flat several miles from home. It was just a slow leak though, so I was able to pump it up, ride about 1/2 mile, then repeat when it went flat again. I now have a thornproof tube on that wheel so hopefully it will be more reliable in the future. Wednesday was steady rain again so I just rode my stationary bike and did my upper body workout. Finally we were past this yesterday and I actually saw the sun on my ride. A few nice days are now forecast until through Christmas.

Entering Paradise Valley on Oak Glen Ave

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