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Nice Riding Over the weekend.

Our weather has gone back to sunny but still cool and delightfully springlike. I took advantage of this with several recumbent rides. On Saturday I did an easy recovery ride. Sunday was a hard day: I did a 27 km time trial to the southwest of Morgan Hill at a pretty brisk tempo. I followed that up with some shorter intervals and sprints. Pretty challenging workout, but enjoyable on a nice day. Yesterday I did my upper body workout followed by another recovery ride, which was very relaxing. Saturday’s ride is posted here, Sunday’s here. Monday’s upper body workout is here, and the ride is here.

Vineyards heading East on Main aveHeading North on Cochrane roadThe ford is open on Coyote Creek trail just north of Bailey!The second ford a little further north near Coyote Ranch road is also not floodedThe Foothills East of San Martin while turning onto Center RoadOn Columbet Ave northbound in San Martin Yesterday

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