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Round The Reservoirs With Some Friends, Then Hard Day

Casa Loma Road

My Tuesday group and I road around the two local reservoirs, Uvas and Chesbro, plus an out and back on Casa Loma. I was on my e-bike so was able to stay at a steady, fairly easy, pace. It was a nice day for it, not too warm.

Riding Past Uvas ReservoirRest Stop at Chesbro Reservoir

On Wednesday I rode my recumbent for one of the two hard days I do each week. I’ve really been enjoying my latest version of a hard day workout:

An hour at my highest aerobic tempo, heart rate about 120
4x about 4 minute very brisk intervals
8x about 90 sec intervals
“Double Tabata” = 8×40 sec sprints with 20 sec recovery
“Tabata” = 8×20 sec sprints with 10 sec recovery
On-bike strength = 16 reps per side pedalling at high gear with one leg, repeat4 times per side
On-bike strength = 16 reps in high gear uphill

This is very challenging but I feel great after doing it, not too worn out.

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