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Thursday and Friday Workouts

I went pretty hard on my ride Wednesday, so Thursday I just did my upper body strength workout. I followed that with a short local easy cruise on my recumbent which helped my legs recover.

I signed up again this month for the Strava metric century challenge, which I decided to knock off on Friday. But I was a bit too ambitious because I set out without having breakfast and didn’t bring any energy bars. I felt pretty good until I got beyond about 45 miles, then started to drag, so I headed home, not quite making 50 miles, I little short of my 100k (62 mile) target. Note to self: not a good idea to do 100k rides without eating! I’ll try again later this month, making sure I eat breakfast and bring snacks. This did turn out to be a pretty nice route which I’ll probably use again in the future. It’s great for starting out early on a weekday because it avoids routes highly trafficked during rush hour, and is is nice and scenic.

Friday’s route

Thursday upper body workout is posted here, morning ride is here. Friday ride is here.

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