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Weekend Fun

Saturday we got several inches of rain over the course of several hours, unusual for us in May. It wasn’t too heavy so I still got an hour’s cruising in on my e-bike. Sunday the sun was back and I went to a 2 1/2 hour ride to the southeast to San Martin and Gilroy. This was at a brisk tempo and an average heart rate of 120. It was challenging but relaxing. I created a new strava segment “To Crews Road out-and-back from Tennant” which I finished in 1 hour 53 minutes. This will be a nice benchmark to compare my aerobic fitness against in the future.

Saturday’s ride is posted here, Sunday here.

On Sunday’s ride I passed a little farm in San Martin with two ostriches, and a little further over two alpacasLooking northwest towards San Martin from Crews Road in GilroyLooking West from the same spot

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