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It Helps To Have A Home Gym

Some people do well going to the gym and it can be nice to have friends to workout with there. But I find having a home gym helps me be more consistent. Rain or shine, and during pandemics, I can always make my way to the garage. There are some very good tips for setting up a home gym here on

Yesterday ended up being a nice day although it started a bit cold and drizzly. But I still wanted to get my upper body workout in first before my bike ride so my home gym worked out great. I did some arm-cycling sprints with long recoveries in between, then did my strength training with resistance bands in the garage, followed by walking with hand weights for a cool down. After that it was off to meet my Tuesday cycling group. It was cold and gloomy for the first part of the ride, but by the time we got to Rancho Canada Del Oro Open Space the sun had come out, so the rest of the ride was nice.

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