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Mostly Indoors

Yesterday I once again got fooled by the weather forecast, but this time it didn’t get me wet, I ended up riding on my trainer when I didn’t really need to. It was supposed to rain earlier in the morning and then clear up, but instead it didn’t start raining until the afternoon. I rode for over 90 minutes on my trainer. I still got a good workout by doing intervals. I posted it on Strava here but it just shows my heart rate. I also posted some other short sessions I did including 25 min late morning when I saw it was dry out. The indoor trainer was useful because it helped me adjust the installation of the neck rest I made for my recumbent, and I was later able to test it on the road in the short outdoor ride. When I have the more aerodynamic carbon seat installed, it has to be fairly reclined to be comfortable (which also makes it aero). The downside is this can make your neck uncomfortable, which is solved by a neck- or head- rest. There are commercial ones of these available but they are kind of pricey, so I made my own with and aluminum bar and some batting from an old pillow. It works fine once I got the adjustment dialed in. I’m looking forward to trying this on longer outings on the road.

This is the bike up on the trainer, with the little orange neckrest.Testing it out. Looks like it should be tweaked forward a bit…

This is the aluminum support for the neck rest sticking up out of the seat. I had to drill two holes through the carbon fiber to attach it, but that would have been necessary with the commercial models also. This is safe to do as long as you use large washers to spread the load of the bolts. The installation is still a bit “informal” as I have tape holding the batting in place..

This is my seat with the pad removed. You can see the bolts with large “fender” washers which attach the steel mounting bracket to the bottom. There are also rubber washers under the fender washers to smooth the contact out. I used a similar connection for my headrest bar.

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