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Two-hour Recovery Ride

Just an easy ride yesterday (average heart rate 107) because I went harder the day before. I rode out Coyote Creek trail as far as the flooded-out section, then detoured around the flood on Monterey highway to Coyote Ranch Road . This was a nice pleasant ride because it was warmer today. Here it is on Strava.

 Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark. Members fly some cool radio control planes from here next to the trail, some with wingspans up to several feet.

Zooming in on someone preparing for flight

Loma Prieta From the trailA nice old barn on a working ranch next to the trailFlooded out at the ford. Last year the flooding was worse and it took until late April for it to clear. Hopefully it will be a little sooner this year. I backtracked from here to Bailey Ave where I detoured to Monterey Highway

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